Respect Group/Workplace Fairness Institute Action Summit
January 5th, 2020 Respect in the Workplace
Is your organization at a loss as how to address psychological health and safety or challenged with Alberta’s new Occupation Health and Safety code? We are bringing support. Join us for the day to get insight into this complex issue and take away real tools you can immediately apply in your workplace.
Our upcoming Action Summit will examine the intersection of Psychological Health and Safety and Civility & Respect. You won’t want to miss it so join us on January 29th, 2020.
Attention HR professionals: Earn 6 CPD Hours by attending the Action Summit!
As partners, the Workplace Fairness Institute and Workplace Fairness West believe that psychological health and safety is AS important as physical health and safety. That is why we support organizations across Canada to create working environments in which employees can thrive. Whether that’s promoting civility and respect, addressing bullying/harassment, managing conflict, training employees, or coaching leaders we have the expertise and knowledge to partner with businesses to create strong and healthy employees. When employees thrive, businesses succeed.
That’s also why we work closely with Respect Group and agreed to step up in Alberta to provide a learning opportunity for organizations and employees to address issues focused on psychological health and safety and civility and respect.
Why Should I Attend?
By attending you will:
- Understand what your duty is as an employer to address the OHS issues and their impact on psychological health and safety.
- Walk away with a road map of what your organization needs to do to create or improve upon a psychologically healthy workplace
- Receive compliance and risk reduction ideas and solutions that can be easily implemented within your organization.
- Be able to build a business case, determine your organizations return on investment and successfully position the importance and value within your organization
- Hear from other leading organizations as they share their experiences regarding challenges and successes in creating psychologically healthy workplaces.
What’s my Investment?
Your investment will provide on-going value for yourself and your organization. Ticket prices are deliberately kept low to ensure that we are able to support all participants.
Sales are limited so act soon!
Regular – $199
Group Rate – 35% off regular price for groups of 4 or more
Where will the learning happen?
Join us in Calgary, Alberta on January 29, 2020 at the historic Grand Theater. An appropriate setting to engage participants to be creative, join in the facilitated discussions of the day and experience new learning.
608 1st St. SW Calgary Alberta
What does the Day Look Like?
For Detailed Session Information click here.
8:30-9:00 Registration
9:00-9:15 Intro & Opening Remarks – Sheldon Kennedy – The Human Cost of Psychological Health and Safety
9:15-10:15 Fireside Chat – Psychological Health and Safety – Where are we now?
- Dr. Pat Ferris, Wayne McNeil, Cameron Mitchell
10:15-10:30 Networking Break
10:30-12:00 Morning Breakout Sessions
- How can we position our people and organization’s culture to always place RESPECT first in everything we do?
- Developing a Roadmap to Create a Psychological Safe Workplace
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:15 ROI and Building the Business Case – Sharing Resources
2:15-2:30 Networking Break
2:30-3:45 Afternoon Breakout Sessions – Sharing the Journey to Psychological Health & Safety
- Non-Profit: Calgary Drop-In Centre
- Municipality: City of Lethbridge
- Union: TBD
3:45-4:00 Wrap-up
4:00-5:00 Join us in the Mezzanine for networking after conference
Who will be joining us?
For Speaker Bio’s click here.
Sheldon Kennedy – Internationally known Abuse Prevention Advocate
Dr. Pat Ferris – International Bullying/Harassment Expert, researcher and social worker focused on the treatment of bullying/harassment targets
Wayne McNeil – – Co-founder Respect Group and Canadian Red Cross Caring Award Recipient
Cameron Mitchell – President Kasa Consulting , Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) representative, Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP) and certified COR auditor
Blaine Donais – Present and Founder of the Workplace Fairness Institute, workplace conflict management specialist and author of Workplaces that Work, Engaging Unionized Employees and The Art & Science of Workplace Mediation.
Brad Blaisdell – Western Regional Director of the Respect in the Workplace Program at Respect Group
Danica Kelly – Eastern Regional Director of the Respect in the Workplace Program at Respect Group
Michelle Phaneuf – Partner Workplace Fairness West, certified Psychological Health and Safety Adviser and experienced workplace restoration expert.
Sandra Clarkson – Executive Director of the Calgary Drop-In Centre
Barb Neckich – Senior Human Resources Consultant, City of Lethbridge