RESPECT HUB:  Activity Leaders

Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders Webinar

August 5th, 2020 Activity Leaders, Respect in Sport, Sheldon Kennedy

Join our co-founder Sheldon Kennedy and the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association for this free, online orientation event!

In this webinar, you will learn all about the Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders, an online certification program designed to provide SPRA members a useful tool to recognize and prevent bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination.

Program Elements include:
-Power Dynamics
-Legal Responsibility and “Duty of Care”
-Physical Development
-Preventing Bullying, Abuse, Harassment and Discrimination (BAHD)
-Mental Health Outcomes Due to BAHD Behaviours
-Concussion and Injury Management
-Positive Emotions

Access to the program will become available to SPRA members at a reduced rate after this introductory webinar.

There is no cost to attend.

Register Here

Saskatchewan Leading The Way With Safe Sport Campaign

October 8th, 2019 Activity Leaders, Respect in Sport

Released on October 7, 2019

The Government of Saskatchewan and Sask Sport Inc., have teamed up to launch a joint marketing campaign to increase awareness on the tools and resources available to assist coaches, athletes and parents on bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination in sport.

“Ensuring a healthy, safe and respectful environment for all participants in amateur sport across our province is a priority,” Parks, Culture and Sport Minister Gene Makowsky said. “Thanks to the dedication of Sask Sport and the provincial sport organizations, coaches, parents and athletes, this campaign compliments the hard work already underway.”

The marketing campaign will increase awareness and use of important resources, contacts and training available online, such as the Respect Resource Line. Expert staff provide information, bilingual support, resources and referrals pertaining to issues of bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination in sport by phone, text or email.

This confidential and anonymous resource is intended to assist coaches, athletes and parents in determining the most appropriate course of action. This campaign would not be possible without Sask Sport and their members, considered leaders across Canada with their dispute resolution policies, services and tools. Sask Sport includes the Respect Resource Line and the Respect in Sport online training programs for coaches and activity leaders.

“Sask Sport thanks the Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport, our member organizations and the many partners who have actively worked with us over the past 20 years to provide good governance practices and policies that reduce the risk of conflicts and disputes in sport,” Sask Sport Inc. volunteer Board Chair Kenric Exner said. “This effort has created a strong foundation for helping to prevent, identify and effectively deal with bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination, and we are eager to share the important resources and information in order to continue to help keep sport safe, healthy and fun in Saskatchewan.”

“We are so proud of our partnership with the Government of Saskatchewan and Sask Sport,” Respect Group Co-Founder Sheldon Kennedy said. “Training programs are only successful when organizations make them a priority. Kudos to Sask Sport and the sport leaders they serve.”

In addition, the campaign supports Sask Sport and their members in the promotion of resources to ensure more coaches are trained in current safe sport best practices.

For more information on the various sport resources, contacts and training, visit


For more information, contact:

Jamie Toth
Parks, Culture and Sport
Phone: 306-787-3506
Cell: 306-527-8152

Leah Laxdal
Sask Sport Inc.
Phone: 306-975-0871

Canada Soccer signs on to Respect in Sport agreement to bolster player safety

November 6th, 2018 Activity Leaders, Parents, Respect in Sport

Posted on 5 November 2018 in Coaching – Canada Soccer

Canada Soccer is pleased to announce that it has signed an agreement with Respect in Sport as part of its core values to ensure a safe and positive environment for all participants of the game. The organization founded by former NHL hockey player Sheldon Kennedy is aimed at preventing abuse in sport through coursework for coaches and team officials working with young athletes.

“This partnership is an important formalization of the work being done across the country to ensure that proper protections are in place for young athletes,” said Canada Soccer Director of Development Jason deVos. “We all have a responsibility to ensure young soccer players are in a supportive and safe development environment and this agreement is another layer to those protections.”

All coaches who participate in Canada Soccer’s coach education licensing programs will now be required to take a soccer-specific Respect in Sport module as part of coach education programs across the country.

“The Respect Group have been at the forefront of child protection in Canada for more than a decade, and we are delighted to sign this agreement to bolster our efforts in this vital area,” deVos said.


June 8th, 2018 Activity Leaders, General News, Parents, Press Releases, Respect in Sport


Voir plus bas pour la version en français


June 6, 2018

Respect Group commends the bravery of the former members of the National Ski Team, Amélie-Frédérique Gagnon, Gail Kelly, Anna Prchal and Geneviève Simard and the many other women who have come forward to disclose their stories and share their collective goal in calling for safer sport. They represent a multitude of past victims and their voices have already inspired other courageous individuals to come forward.


Respect Group also applauds the leadership of B2Ten, the Coaching Association of Canada, the Sport Dispute and Resolution Centre of Canada and the Canadian Centre for Child Protection for bringing this critical topic to the forefront and advocating for sport that is free from maltreatment. These recommendations include;


  • Mandatory online training as to rights, responsibilities, obligations and awareness for athletes, coaches, professional service providers and management;
  • Development, adoption and adherence of Policies and Procedures to prevent all forms of maltreatment;
  • An independent avenue for parties to raise concerns when issues arise;
  • The rule of two; insuring, within reason, that young athletes are not left on their own with a coach, staff or other personnel for an extended duration.




Respect Group was incorporated on April 5th, 2004 by co-founders, Sheldon Kennedy and Wayne McNeil, to pursue their common passion: the prevention of bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination (BAHD). Offering certification programs for Community/Sport Organizations (Respect in Sport), Schools and the Workplace, Respect Group has certified over 1,000,000 Canadians.






6 juin 2018

Respect Group salue la bravoure des anciens membres de l’équipe nationale de ski, Amélie-Frédérique Gagnon, Gail Kelly, Anna Prchal et Geneviève Simard et les nombreuses autres femmes qui ont dévoilé leur histoire et partagé leur objectif commun en réclamant une sécurité accrue en sport. Elles  représentent une multitude de victimes passées, et leurs voix ont déjà inspiré d’autres personnes courageuses à se manifester.


Respect Group applaudit également le leadership de B2dix, l’Association canadienne des entraîneurs, le Centre de règlement des différends sportifs du Canada et le Centre canadien de protection de l’enfance pour avoir porté ce sujet critique au premier plan et exigé un sport exempt de  maltraitance. Ces recommandations comprennent :


  • Une formation en ligne obligatoire sur les droits, les responsabilités, les obligations et la sensibilisation des athlètes, des entraîneurs, des fournisseurs de services professionnels et de la direction;
  • L’élaboration, l’adoption et l’adhésion aux politiques et procédures visant à prévenir toutes les formes de maltraitance;
  • Un canal indépendant offert à toutes les parties pour partager les préoccupations lorsque des problèmes surviennent;
  • La règle de deux : s’assurer, dans la mesure du possible, que les jeunes athlètes ne soient pas seuls avec un entraîneur ou tout membre du personnel pendant une période prolongée.



Respect Group a été constitué le 5 avril 2004 par les cofondateurs Sheldon Kennedy et Wayne McNeil pour poursuivre une passion commune: la prévention de l’intimidation, de l’abus, du harcèlement et de la discrimination. Offrant des programmes de certification pour les organismes communautaires / sportifs (Respect et sport), les écoles et le milieu de travail, Respect Group a certifié plus de 1,000,000 de Canadiens.


Golf Canada Joins the Responsible Coaching Movement

March 6th, 2018 Activity Leaders, Respect in Sport, Respect in the Workplace

Golf Canada Joins the Responsible Coaching Movement


Golf Canada is proud to announce it is working to combat and prevent abuse, bullying and harassment in golf by adopting Respect in Sport and Respect in the Workplace as part of its deepened commitment to the Responsible Coaching Movement (RCM). “We are very proud to be joining other National Sport Federations in adopting and facilitating this important training among our golf community,” said Laurence Applebaum, CEO, Golf Canada. “Our commitment to integrating the Responsible Coaching Movement and Respect programming into the core areas of our organization will strengthen our efforts to build a culture of respect, and further instill a safe, fun and positive environment in golf.” MORE

It’s About Respect: An Interview with Sheldon Kennedy on Respect Group Training

August 6th, 2017 Activity Leaders, Respect in Sport

It’s About Respect: An Interview with Sheldon Kennedy on Respect Group Training


Starting on July 19, 2016, Scouts Canada adopted Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders training that was developed by Respect Group, a Canadian leader in youth safety and abuse prevention training. This training has replaced Scouts Canada’s Child and Safety (CYS) Training for Volunteers. MORE

Ontario Soccer Association

August 6th, 2017 Activity Leaders, Respect in Sport

Ontario Soccer Association


The Ontario Soccer Association will begin phasing in Respect in Sport (RIS) programming for Coaches and Match Officials in 2017.”Elliott, who is a coach as well, understands the importance this programming can play in our communities. “I personally feel that the information in the program is important and that providing a respectful and caring environment to players is my priority as an Administrator and Coach.” MORE

Sport Calgary asks amateur sports groups to implement online Respect education

March 1st, 2016 Activity Leaders, Parents, Respect in Sport

Sport Calgary asks amateur sports groups to implement online Respect education


Sport Calgary is urging all of the city’s amateur sports associations to promote the online Respect In Sport education course, and consider making it mandatory for all parents and coaches working with youth.

They also hope to organize a Sport Summit in the next year inviting representatives from a range of sport organizations to share strategies and solutions for improving respectful behaviour.

In response to Hockey Calgary’s warning last week that bad behaviour among parents and athletes is rising at the rink, Sport Calgary spokeswoman and two-time Olympic gold medallist Catriona Le May Doan says it’s time all parents understand the importance of respectful behaviour at their kids’ sporting events.

“I’ve seen it all, at all levels, as an athlete, as a coach, as a volunteer and as a parent,” said Le May Doan, senior director of community engagement at Sport Calgary. MORE


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