Respect Group and the OMHA announce the winner of their Essay Contest

March 22nd, 2023 Partnerships, Respect in Sport

Respect Group and the Ontario Minor Hockey Association are proud to announce the grand prize winner and finalists of the ninth annual Essay Contest presented by Respect in Sport. This year’s theme was ‘I Love To Play Hockey’. The contest was designed to engage players in an educational manner while encouraging them to express their thoughts on what life skills they learn from playing hockey.

Over 100 essays were submitted and the Ontario Minor Hockey Association in partnership with Respect Group want to thank everyone for their participation. Based on the quality, creativity and passion demonstrated in their submission, five finalists were selected with one of them emerging as our grand prize winner.

Owen Misener of Woolwich Minor Hockey Association is this year’s winner who wrote about how hockey helped him learn the importance of being on a team. For being named winner, Owen will receive a $1000 worth of CCM Hockey Gear.

“Respect in Sport is about providing a positive environment for all, so that hockey players can enjoy the game, and learn from the positive adult role models around them, like parents, coaches, and officials,” said Respect Group’s Co-founder Wayne McNeil. “Respect Group is very proud to support the OMHA Essay Contest and wants to thank every player who submitted an essay and also congratulate the five Finalists.”

Thank you all for your fantastic submissions!


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