Respect Group launched free resources for teens with Kids Help Phone
September 23rd, 2021 Partnerships
We are proud to announce that we recently launched new free resources for teens in collaboration with Kids Help Phone.
Respect Group was recently commissioned by the Ontario Ministry of Education to create some critical tools to assist youth (14 and up) with the many mental health issues they face as they return to school, sport and activity during this unprecedented time. As we all know, mental health is of utmost importance, perhaps now, more than ever. Through close collaboration with our friends at Kids Help Phone we have created these free Mental Health Chats.
Respect Group was contracted to design and produce approximately 30 minutes of dynamic multimedia/video content to address some of the most common and significant mental health issues faced by teens (ages 14-17) today.
During our content research we sought out the foremost subject matter experts in the field of teen mental health in Canada and aligned with Kids Help Phone, who loved what we were doing and agreed to host all 4 videos on the Kids Help Phone website upon completion.
Our team decided that the best way to approach teens with this relatively heavy subject matter would be to replicate a group chat experience, in which a group of fictitious friends tackle these issues together on a fictional-yet-familiar social platform, using all of the communication modes they’re familiar with: text messaging, selfie video, gifs, photography, audio FX, and music.
We produced 4 “Chat” videos available through Kids Help Phone and here:
Tech tip: if possible, we recommend viewing these videos on a mobile device or tablet so you feel like you’re part of the group chat.
1. Mental Health Chat: Ever Get the Feeling of Something Being Off?
2. Self-Image Comparison Chat: This is Real, That’s Not
3. Anxiety & Stress Chat: Your Basic 2-headed Monster
4. Difficult Convo Chat: Don’t Really Want To, But Need To
We launched all 4 Chats on Aug. 30, 2021 on the Kids Help Phone website. Being so well received by both our client, Ontario Education, and our collaborating host, Kids Help Phone, we’re extremely proud of the end result and we hope that these resources will help many teens.