Town of Gull Lake Adopts Safe Places – Youth Certified
November 6th, 2017 Safe Places
Town of Gull Lake Adopts Safe Places – Youth Certified
“Gull Lake is the first community beyond Swift Current to officially adopt the Swift Current Safe Places initiative,” said Tim Marcus, Swift Current Chief Administrative Officer and Safe Places Committee Member. “We want to both congratulate and thank Mayor Blake Campbell and Gull Lake Town Council for this significant step.” As is the case in Swift Current, residents of Gull Lake – particularly those who come into contact with youth – can anticipate a push from Town Council to become Youth Certified. “Many of our community members volunteer with kids locally as well as in Swift Current,” said Campbell. “One of the aspects of Safe Places that we really appreciate is that it’s a portable certification, so our residents who become Youth Certified here in Gull Lake will have their credentials recognized in Swift Current.” MORE To learn about having your city or town become Youth Certified email us at: